Britain and the World Conference 2018

PUNCS members and other members of the History department and School of Law at the University of Plymouth attended the fantastic international conference hosted by the University of Exeter, 21 – 23 June 2018, on ‘Britain and the World’, offering insights into their research in progress on military empires and the empire of knowledge (Harry Bennett); mercy and empire in the long nineteenth century (James Gregory); the ‘White Mutiny’ of East India Company’s European troops 1857-61 (Ann Lyon); and the Three Towns’ curious history in relation to the Irish diaspora (Judith Rowbotham).

A panel of members of the School of Law and PUNCS: Kim Stevenson, Craig Newbery-Jones, and Rob Giles, presented research on Plymouth as point of departure, with discussion varying from mapping the circles of Plymouth-based innovators in science and exploration; creating virtual reality simulations inside a transportation ship to Australia; to journeys of criminality through a micro-history, or ‘life-course analysis’ of one Plymouth-born lawbreaker who made a new life after transportation in Australia.

With 190 delegates and 55 panels, the conference ranged chronologically from the early modern to the present day, and thematically offered a rich and very varied fare from eighteenth-century theatre, to The Kinks and superheroes, from Restoration-era Jamaica to the British social world in Hong Kong in the era of decolonization. Imperial and international themes in nineteenth-century history were well represented.

It was a great conference! The twitter-sphere records the lively interventions of the seagulls.

Plymouth departures


empire of mercy

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